Q&A / Tottsea
What is your creative process like when making music?
When I sit down to write, I almost always start with the piano. I find it's the quickest way to get my ideas out. One of the biggest things I find useful is not to force the song in a certain direction. The best songs tend to unfold as they should.
What is your favorite season and why?
Spring is definitely my favorite season. I work as an electrician full-time. Working outside in Iowa winters can be rough so it's a breath of fresh air when I can work outside without a coat!
In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?
Developing the ability to force myself to start something even when I feel lazy and don't want to. Some of my favorite songs would have never come to light otherwise!
What inspires you the most in your daily life? Why?
My wife! She works full-time as a nurse, is going to school full-time to be a nurse practitioner, completes clinical hours, and is pregnant! She's the hardest-working person with the most intense drive I've ever seen and it 100% motivates me to push harder and accomplish my goals.
What do you wish you could tell yourself five years ago?
Be patient, practice more, and don't be afraid to reach out and collaborate with other artists. We all support each other in this music scene.
What or who inspired you to start making music?'
A band called Saves The Day back in my high school days. That was the first band I really connected with. In the Lofi scene, Blue Wednesday was my first huge influencer. His piano progressions are always top notch.
If you could tell every person in the world one thing, what would it be?
Stop procrastinating and make plans to do the things you love as soon as possible.
Where do you feel the most centered and happy?
The stereotypical answer most producers give....my studio. I love the feeling of listening back to something I've worked on all day. A puzzle of sounds forms the whole picture. It's a wonderful feeling.
Producer / United States